Our Top 3 Anti-Inflammatories – Episode

Let’s talk synergy….the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.  At Organixx we believe in maximizing the strength of our blended supplements by sourcing high quality and clean ingredients. And then we take it to the next level by asking the question…”What ingredients can we blend to produce a combined benefit greater than the sum of their separate benefits?”

Empowering You Organically – Season 14 – Episode 130

Title: Our Top 3 Anti-Inflammatories

Hosts: Jonathan Hunsaker, TeriAnn Trevenen

Description:  Let’s talk synergy…. the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.  At Organixx we believe in maximizing the strength of our blended supplements by sourcing high quality and clean ingredients. And then we take it to the next level by asking the question…” What ingredients can we blend to produce a combined benefit greater than the sum of their separate benefits?” Tune in to find out the outcome!


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Magi-Complexx - Inflammation and Cellular Support

This Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Supports a Healthy Heart, Boosts the Thyroid, and Promotes Brain Function

  • 3 NATURAL INFLAMMATORY SUPPORT AGENTS:Our revolutionary formula combines Frankincense, Myrrh & organic fermented Turmeric into a powerhouse anti-inflammatory supplement.
  • SOOTHE ACHING JOINTS: Each of these ancient treasures has been shown through studies to help alleviate joint pain, soothe aching joints and decrease inflammation.
  • INCREASE MEMORY & ALERTNESS:Frankincense has been scientifically demonstrated to support a healthy heart, support normal thyroid function, and promote memory and brain function.
  • CLEAN INGREDIENTS:We use only the purest and cleanest ingredients. Our Magi Complexx contains all natural ingredients free from fillers, binders and excipients.



  • Frankincense is the resinous extract from the trees of the genus boswellia, have been used for centuries in cultural ceremonies, as a cosmetic agent, as a traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, especially inflammatory diseases, which we just talked about, including asthma, arthritis, cerebral edema, chronic pain syndrome, chronic bowel diseases, cancer, and some other illnesses.
  • Boswellic acids are the active compounds of frankincense. Some studies have shown that the use of frankincense can also improve the learning, enhance the memory in animals and human beings.
  • Two ways that you can get frankincense
    • Essential oil
    • Ingesting



  • Myrrh is a reddish-brown dried sap from a thorny tree. Commiphora myrrha is the actual name for it, but it’s native to Northeastern Africa and Southwest Asia.
  • Myrrh has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine. Scientists are now testing the oil’s potential uses, including for pain, infection, and even skin sores.
  • Myrrh also can help combat pain and swelling, and it’s also a very powerful antioxidant, which combats oxidative damage, which we know can be really bad for our health.
    • Oxidative damage from free radicals contributes to aging and even some diseases.



  • Turmeric is believed to be one of the most effective nutritional supplements in existence.
  • Many high-quality studies have shown that it has major benefits for your body and for your brain.
  • Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow color and has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb. Recently, scientists started to back up what Indians have known for a long time.
  • It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. It’s a very strong antioxidant.  It is very, very, very powerful when it comes to brain health, when it comes to combatting disease.
  • Turmeric, in its raw form, it’s not very bioavailable, again, which means it’s hard for your body to absorb it and really to get the curcumin, which is the real active compound out of turmeric that’s the big benefit, and I mean we’re talking single digit percentage of curcumin that you absorb out of turmeric.
  • If you’re looking at using turmeric on a daily basis, I think that you can use piperine if your body reacts well to it.
    • Piperine changes the enzymes in your stomach, which is what helps make it more bioavailable for the turmeric.
    • That same thing happens if you’re on prescription medication. So, I always warn people, if you’re taking prescription meds, kind of stay away from the turmeric supplements that have piperine in them, or black pepper, because it can increase or decrease the efficacy of that prescription med, which also increases and decreases the efficacy of the side effects of it.
  • When you ferment it, that releases those enzymes so that when you ingest it into your body, now all of the enzymes that your body needs to break down that turmeric and absorb that curcumin is right there in your gut.
  • It can also support brain health.
  • It’s been proven to improve brain function and lower risk of brain diseases.
  • It can lower your risk of heart disease.


Putting Them Together

  • They have a synergistic effect, having all three of these ingredients together. So strong and so powerful, we actually created a supplement called Magi-Complexx.
  • What we found out is actually combining all three of these together, that synergistic effect is phenomenal.




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Jonathan Hunsaker: Welcome, everyone, to another episode of Empowering You Organically.  I’m your host, Jonathan Hunsaker, joined by my cohost, TeriAnn Trevenen.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Hey, everyone.


Jonathan Hunsaker: So, thank you for tuning in today.  We are going to talk about three powerful anti-inflammatories that I think everybody should be taking and/or using on a daily basis.  And I don’t want to just talk about them individually, either.  We’re also going to talk about how they can work together synergistically.


So, these three ingredients that we’re talking about is frankincense, myrrh, and turmeric.  A lot of people have heard about the benefits of frankincense, they’ve heard about the benefits, even of turmeric.  Not a lot of people understand the benefits of myrrh.


So, we just want to go through all three of these quickly for you so you can get a crash course and understand the benefits of these three different ingredients, and then, using them all together and how they work synergistically.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Absolutely.  So, frankincense is the resinous extract from the trees of the genus boswellia, have been used for centuries in cultural ceremonies, as a cosmetic agent, as a traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, especially inflammatory diseases, which we just talked about, including asthma, arthritis, cerebral edema, chronic pain syndrome, chronic bowel diseases, cancer, and some other illnesses.


And so, this has been around for a long, long time.  Boswellic acids are the active compounds of frankincense.  Some studies have shown that the use of frankincense can also improve the learning, enhance the memory in animals and human beings.


So, it’s anti-inflammatory, it is good for brain health, supports a healthy heart, improves lung function.  There’s a lot of benefits to frankincense, and it’s why people are talking about it so much right now, why it’s such a topic of conversation in the health space.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Yeah, so a lot of people just think about frankincense as an essential oil, and yes, that’s one way to get it, but you can also ingest frankincense as well, and we’re going to talk about that in a little bit.


But it’s great to use in a diffuser, it’s great to use topically, especially on areas that you have arthritis, you have pains, you have things like that.  There’s conversations about how frankincense can even help with certain cancers.  I’m not going to go too far down that rabbit hole.


But the use of frankincense, not only are the studies wide and deep, but the uses are just as well.


So, I want this to be a quick podcast, just to give you a quick rundown of these three ingredients.  You can always go to EmpoweringYouOrganically.com and you can see all of the studies that back up frankincense and learn that much more about it.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Yeah, and let me just say, one of the big things outside of inflammation and things tied to inflammation, again, just touching on this, is brain and memory disorders coming from, for instance, being a benefit for that.  So, we have tons of studies on that information, really, really powerful when it comes to brain function and brain health.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Let’s talk about myrrh.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Awesome.  So, myrrh, you may have heard of this from biblical stories, even if you’re not sure exactly what it is, but it’s a reddish-brown dried sap from a thorny tree.  Commiphora myrrha is the actual name for it, but it’s native to Northeastern Africa and Southwest Asia.


Myrrh has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine.  Scientists are now testing the oil’s potential uses, including for pain, infection, and even skin sores.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Myrrh’s been around for a long time, right?  So has frankincense.  And so, it’s really interesting.  I don’t think that many people talk about myrrh as much as they could be or should be, quite frankly, and I hate to “should” on people, but that’s one of them.  It’s just an amazing ingredient, amazing botanical that can really help a lot, again, with inflammation, with pain, just like frankincense and just like turmeric, which we’re about to talk about as well.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Yeah, and if you want to talk a little bit more about the historical side of myrrh, they used to use it to embalm mummies, because the oils not only provide a nice scent for that mummification process, which smells nasty, because I did projects for that in school when I was younger, not a good idea.  And it also slows the decay.


So, we’re learning from history how we can apply this now in this modern day and age.  It can kill bacteria and other microbes, which lead to faster decay and things like that.  But in a healthy, living body, that can be a huge benefit for your health, right?  Especially when it comes to things like skin sores and beyond.


Jonathan Hunsaker: I had some bad jokes I kept thinking about while you were talking, and I’m just going to keep them to myself to save everybody.


TeriAnn Trevenen: All jokes aside, as much as you want to tell them, myrrh also can help combat pain and swelling, and it’s also a very powerful antioxidant, which combats oxidative damage, which we know can be really bad for our health.  Oxidative damage from free radicals contributes to aging and even some diseases.


So, having that powerful antioxidant that also has so many other benefits is why it’s so popular in natural health today.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Yeah, TeriAnn, thank you.  That’s awesome information.  And I think it’s a lot of stuff, again, that people just don’t understand the uses of myrrh, and you just don’t hear it talked about a lot.  I mean we’re in the natural health space all the time, and rarely does somebody talk about myrrh.


TeriAnn Trevenen: And all the benefits.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Exactly.  Alright, let’s talk about turmeric.


TeriAnn Trevenen: We’ve talked about turmeric a lot on the podcast, but we’re just going to touch on it really quickly.  Turmeric is believed to be one of the most effective nutritional supplements in existence.  I know everyone’s talking about turmeric.  It’s such a big buzz word right now, but for good reason.


Many high-quality studies have shown that it has major benefits for your body and for your brain.  Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow color and has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb.  Recently, scientists started to back up what Indians have known for a long time.


It really does contain compounds with medicinal properties.  It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects.  It’s a very strong antioxidant.  It is very, very, very powerful when it comes to brain health, when it comes to combatting disease.  Again, it’s another powerful antioxidant.


Jonathan Hunsaker: It really is.  I mean and the thing to understand is turmeric, in its raw form, it’s not very bioavailable, again, which means it’s hard for your body to absorb it and really to get the curcumin, which is the real active compound out of turmeric that’s the big benefit, and I mean we’re talking single digit percentage of curcumin that you absorb out of turmeric.


So, there’s, everybody’s seen the memes and those conversations like “Add black pepper, or piperine, and you’re going to get 2,000 percent more absorption of the turmeric.”  And that is true, right?  If you’re going to have some turmeric in your meal, add some black pepper to it.  You’re going to absorb more of it.


If you’re looking at using turmeric on a daily basis, I think that you can use piperine if your body reacts well to it.  So, a lot of people, it bothers their gut to take too much piperine or black pepper.  Also, piperine can change the—it changes the enzymes in your stomach, which is what helps make it more bioavailable for the turmeric.


Well, that same thing happens if you’re on prescription medication.  So, I always warn people, if you’re taking prescription meds, kind of stay away from the turmeric supplements that have piperine in them, or black pepper, because it can increase or decrease the efficacy of that prescription med, which also increases and decreases the efficacy of the side effects of it.


So, what is the best alternative?  And it’s actually now proven to make it even more bioavailable than having black pepper or piperine, and that is fermented turmeric.


So, we’ve talked about fermentation, how great it is, but that fermentation process releases the enzymes that are inside of the turmeric already that help it break down itself, right?  That’s what happens when things rot, that’s what happens when things degrade, is the enzymes that are within that plant are breaking it down.


Well, when you ferment it, that releases those enzymes so that when you ingest it into your body, now all of the enzymes that your body needs to break down that turmeric and absorb that curcumin is right there in your gut.  You’re not having to hope that you have additional enzymes stores in your enzyme bank, so to speak, to be able to digest that turmeric or that curcumin or be able to break it down because it’s been fermented.


So, fermenting turmeric is by far the way to go.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Absolutely, and we’ve talked about this, again, in previous podcasts.  We’ll link that in Show Notes so you can learn more about that.


You know, let’s just talk about turmeric for one more second and its benefits.  We’ve talked about how it can support both your physical health and your body.  It can also support brain health.  It’s been proven to improve brain function and lower risk of brain diseases.  As I started learning more about turmeric as well, I realized how good it is for your heart.  It can lower your risk of heart disease, which a lot of people don’t know this about turmeric, but extremely good for your heart.


So, just a lot of really good benefits.  And we have incredible studies behind what turmeric can do, myrrh, frankincense.  So, be sure to check out the Show Notes if you want more information on how these powerful, powerful antioxidants/anti-inflammatories can benefit you and your health.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Absolutely.  So, why did we put all three of these together and talk about them?  Well, they have a synergistic effect, having all three of these ingredients together.  So strong and so powerful, we actually created a supplement called Magi-Complexx, right?  Why is it called Magi-Complexx?


Well, the Magi brought three gifts to baby Jesus, right?  Frankincense, myrrh, and a lot of it’s interpreted as gold, whereas I’m not sure, it’s still up in the air, is it actual gold?  Or was it the golden spice, turmeric, which was actually a lot more valuable in that time, and it had the healing properties like frankincense and myrrh.


So, what we found out is actually combining all three of these together, that synergistic effect is phenomenal.  That’s why we put them together.


So, what’s really interesting, I mean, and a lot of people are looking for anti-inflammatories, that are looking for healthy alternatives to prescriptions, to over-the-counter pain meds, to things like that.  It’s why we put together our Turmeric 3D supplement, which has fermented turmeric.  It also has vitamin D; it has other things in there.


And we want there to be an alternative, right?  Not everything works for everybody.  And the alternative here, when somebody’s really looking for an anti-inflammatory, also looking for that heart—that heart health and that brain boost, Magi was a no-brainer to build.  Putting together frankincense, myrrh, and turmeric has never been done before in a supplement, and the kind of results and the feedback that we get is through the roof.


So, if you want to learn more about it, you can go to Organixx.com and look.  We have it in two forms.  We have it in capsule form, which is great for ingesting.  We also have it as an essential oil.  The essential oil, the kind of feedback we’re getting, I’m not allowed to say them here, because otherwise, I’m making claims, but the essential oil is phenomenal.


Keep in mind, though, that when you use that topically, there is turmeric in it, it can stain clothing, right?  But again, the feedback, they’re rubbing it on knuckles, on painful areas, the kind of results that people are getting is phenomenal.  It’s why we’ve kept it around.


We create products sometimes, and sometimes, in the lab, they never make it to market, but we created this Magi, the kind of results and the way that all three of these ingredients work together is what makes it so phenomenal.


So, I say all that to say, if you want to take it all separately, do it.  Consider that a frankincense essential oil, a myrrh essential oil, a turmeric essential oil all blended together will actually work together to make them even stronger.  So, do that yourself.


If you want it to be easier, we’ve already done it.  You can go to Organixx.com.


But really, I just wanted to educated you so that you are—you have more ammunition when you go to the health food store and you’re looking for ways to get off of those prescriptions, when you’re looking for ways to get away from those Advils every day, or those Aleves every day, that there’s a lot of other options out there that could really work for you, and these three different ingredients can do that.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Yeah, you know, I think it’s really amazing that, in this day and age, these three ingredients that used to be paid for with a lot of money by royal people, government, people in politics, people who had power, not everyday people could get these ingredients.  These were people who had the money and the power behind them to get things like turmeric, and now, we have them so readily available to us all the time.


They recognized then, the power that they had when they consumed them in their food, when they consumed them for their medicinal properties, and I feel like it just speaks volumes to how important they are to our health.  They recognized it then, and now, we can get them at such a good cost, we can have them in our homes every single day and use them.  Why not?


Jonathan Hunsaker: Well, I mean it’s interesting, right?  We want to talk about current—the way medicine is now, right?  And it’s like “Oh, well, did it have a double-blind placebo-controlled study to get this result?”  Well, you know what else has had a bunch of double-blind studies going on?  These herbs have been around for 5,000 years, 2,000 years.  You know why?  Because there’s a whole lot of them that we tried, but those people never made it, right?  And so, we didn’t keep taking them.


But then, there’s other ones that people took, and it changed them, or it helped with pain, or it helped do all of these other things.


So, we look at it and it’s like “Oh, but there’s this study here and there was 82 men and 58 women, and here’s the result.”  Or, we can look back, why don’t we look at thousands of years of use and experience and results from it?  If they didn’t work, we wouldn’t still be talking about them today.


TeriAnn Trevenen: And using them.  Absolutely.


Jonathan Hunsaker: And so, just consider that there is—and listen, I’m not saying there’s not a place for Western medicine, allopathic medicine.  There absolutely isI mean antibiotics, all of those kinds of things, phenomenal, has changed our life expectancy.  We’ve done a lot of great stuff in medicine.


But it doesn’t mean that you have to be one side or the other, right?  And it doesn’t mean that you have to pick a side.  And it also means, I mean that there’s a combination there that can really help you achieve the optimal health that you’re looking for.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Yeah, and I think it’s one of the biggest reasons that we do this podcast.  You never know when someone’s going to be listening and they’re struggling with memory loss, or they’re struggling with chronic inflammation linked to a disease, or they’re struggling with asthma, or they’re experiencing cancer, or whatever it may be.


And we’re not here to tell you what to do with your specific health and your specific body, but you never know when someone’s going to be listening, hearing about these three incredible ingredients in this particular product that have changed people’s lives for thousands of years, and it may just be the thing that you try that can change your life.


Maybe it will, maybe it won’t, but we have so many options with herbs and supplements and vitamins and minerals.  There is a place for Western medicine.  There’s a time and place when our body needs that support and this incredible research behind our bodies.


But there’s also such a strong power behind using these natural things we’ve had for thousands of years that can benefit us in ways that we’ll never know if we don’t try.  And it’s exactly why we keep putting this information out.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Yeah, and that’s just—it just goes to show, I mean there’s not one camp that’s right.  There’s not one diet that works for everyone.  There’s not one treatment that works for everyone.  You’ve got to do some of the research yourself.  You’ve got to try and listen to your body and what works for you.


Speaking of doing some of the research yourself, go to EmpoweringYouOrganically.com because we have a ridiculous amount of resources that we just could not cover in this podcast.


So, if you want to learn more about frankincense, there’s a lot of studies there.  If you want to learn about myrrh, there’s a lot of articles there.  And of course, turmeric, that’s an easy one to find anywhere, but we have them in our Show Notes as well.


And again, give us a big, awesome review on iTunes.  Make sure to subscribe on iTunes, too.  We do not promote this podcast through email nearly as much as I would like to, but it’s—the way that you can guarantee you’ll never miss an episode is by subscribing.


And then, give us your feedback.  Do you like what we’re doing or do you not?  If you don’t like it, give us a one-star review.  That way, we can look at it and maybe change things up a little bit.  If you love it, give us a four- or five-star review and we know that we’re doing things right and we’re delivering you information that makes you hopefully live a happier, healthier life.


Thank you for tuning in, and we will see you on the next podcast.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Thanks, everyone.


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